Roadmap Marketing Consulting
온 · 오프라인 마케팅
Online Offline Marketing
10년 넘게 이 업계에 종사하며 참여한 1,000개가 넘는 프로젝트 덕분에 오늘 이 자리에 있을 수 있게 되었습니다.
회사의 작업물을 확인하시고 관심 있는 작업물이 있으시다면 주저하지 말고 연락주세요.
Thanks to over 1,000 projects in the past 10 years, we have achieved our position today.
Please check the company's works and if something catches your eye, don't hesitate to contact us anytime!
Roadmap Marketing Consulting
Korea Online & Offline Advertising Agency
If you need advertisements or marketing consulting in Korea, freely contact RMC
Company Establishment
Perfume, Vehicle Marketing Agency, E-Commerce, Consumer Friendly Marketing
2015 ~2022
Online & Offline Advertising Marketing
- Website Production
- Advertising and Marketing Agency for
Major Domestic Companies (Samsung, Lotte, etc)
- Korea Advertising and Marketing Agency for
Global Companies (Air Asia, Novita, etc)
2022~ 2025
Content Production and Distribution
Advertising and Marketing Agency
via YouTube & Personal Broadcasting Solutions.
"무엇을 시도할 용기가 없다면 인생에 무슨 의미가 있겠는가?"
"What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"
빈센트 반 고흐
Vincent Van Gogh
마케팅 문의하기
Inquire on Marketing
서울 사무실
서울특별시 송파구 법원로 11길 25 비동 801호
Seoul Office
801, Block B, 25, Beobwon-ro 11-gil, Songpa-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
대표이사 박현수
CEO Robin Park
EMAIL : roadmapmkt@gmail.com
TEL 02-6415-4665
FAX 0505-115-4665